时间: 2021-10-11  作者:   浏览次数: 10



研究领域主要包括时尚人工智能及可持续时尚。先后主持或参与二十余项科研项目,包括欧盟项目,中法合作项目、国家自然科学基金项目等。累计发表SCI论文三十余篇,第一作者SCI论文十余篇,EI会议论文6篇,并出版2篇英文书籍章节。目前是 Knowledge-Based System (IF :4.53一区TOP) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REVIEW (IF :3.814) International Journal of Computational Intelligence System  (IF :2)Textile Research Journal (IF1.57) 等国际期刊审稿人。

产学研领域主要包括纺织品及服装产品开发,时尚视觉创意及策划,品牌化咨询及时尚活动策划等。作为唯一华人设计师入选法国新生奢侈品孵化计划Maisons de Mode,作品曾多次在国际时尚舞台展出,其中动态走秀包括香港时装周、深圳国际内衣展、中华丝绸日、法国48H Maisons de Mode(巴黎时装周),拉脱维亚Riga时装周等,静态展出包括南京旗袍博物馆、 法国FashionTech Day2017、法国48H Maisons de Mode等。合作的品牌包括法国开云集团,法国香奈尔集团,法国DESSILLES,法国LECTRA,法国MartinGrant,香港Inner Saint,中国伊维斯等。





2019年至今 苏州姑苏区领军人才

2018-2021年 教育部中国博士后国际交流计划引进人才(全国纺织科学与工程学科唯一)

2018年至今 法国艺术家优才计划

2017年至今法国Maisons de Mode计划入选设计师(中国唯一)

2017年至今欧盟United Fashion成员


全球知识工程和决策支持中不确定信息建模大会 (FLINS 2016)最佳论文奖


罗马尼亚国家发明研究院(National Institute of Inventics, Romania)金奖(2016




国家自然科学基金青年基金 (主持)(2019-2022



2018年度中国博士后国际交流计划派出项目引进计划(主持) (2019-2021)

2014年度 欧盟SMDTEX项目(欧盟水平线2020计划)(主持)(2014-2018)

欧盟水平线2020 (参与)(2017-2020)

2014年度法国国家科技署开放课题 (参与) (2014-2018)

2017年度法国国家科技署开放课题 (参与) (2014-2018)


上海服装集团可持续时尚空间打造项目(主持)资助金额 10万人民币 (2019-2020)

法国MartinGrant品牌升级项目(主持)资助金额 20万人民币 (2018-2019)

2019年度法国新生奢侈品孵化计划(主持)资助金额 25000欧元 (2018-2019)

2018年度法国新生奢侈品孵化计划(主持)资助金额 25000欧元 (2018-2019)

2017年度法国新生奢侈品孵化计划(主持)资助金额 25000欧元 (2018-2019)

2018年度拉脱维亚首都Riga时装周(主持)资助金额 1000欧元 (2018)

法国Chanel香奈儿公司1927古裙修复项目(主持)资助金额 2000欧元 (2017-2018)



1. Hong, Y., Zeng, X., Wang, Y., Bruniaux, P., & Chen, Y. (2018). CBCRS: An open case-based color recommendation system. Knowledge-Based Systems, 141, 113-128. (IF: 5.921 SCI大类1TOP)

2. Y. Hong, T. Wu, X. Zeng, Y. Wang, W. Yang and Z. Pan. (2019). Knowledge-Based Open Performance Measurement System (KBO-PMS) for a Garment Product Development Process in Big Data Environment. IEEE Access, 7, 129910-129929. (IF: 4.098 SCI大类2)

3. Yan HONG, Chunyu LIU, Xuechun CAO, Yu CHEN, Chen CHEN, Yan CHEN, Zhijuan PAN (2018). Process Evaluation on the Metal−Organic Frameworks for the Application to Personal Protective Equipment with Filtration Function. Polymers. (IF: 2.935 SCI大类2)

4. Hong, Y., Zeng, X., Bruniaux, P., & Liu, K. (2017). Interactive virtual try-on based three-dimensional garment block design for disabled people of scoliosis type. Textile Research Journal, 87(10), 1261-1274. (IF: 1.54 SCI大类3)

5. Hong, Y., Bruniaux, P., Zeng, X., & Dong, M. (2017). Virtual reality-based collaborative design method for designing customized garment for disabled people with scoliosis. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 29(2), 226-237. (IF: 0.592 SCI大类4)

6. Hong, Y., Bruniaux, P., Zeng, X., Curteza, A., & Liu, K. (2017). Design and evaluation of personalized garment block design method for atypical morphology using the knowledge-supported virtual simulation method. Textile Research Journal, 0040517517708537. (Online first) (IF: 1.54 SCI大类3)

7. Hong, Y., Bruniaux, P., Zeng, X., Liu, K., Curteza, A., & Chen, Y. (2018). Visual-simulation-based personalized garment block design method for physically disabled people with scoliosis (PDPS). Autex Research Journal, 18(1), 35-45. (IF: 0.957 SCI大类4)

8. Hong, Y., Zeng, X., Bruniaux, P., Curteza, A., Stelian, M., & Chen, Y. (2018). Garment opening position evaluation using kinesiological ****ysis of dressing activities: Case study of physically disabled people with scoliosis (PDPS). Textile Research Journal, 88, 2302-2318. (IF: 1.54 SCI大类3)

9. Hong, Y., Zeng, X., Bruniaux, P., Chen, Y., & Zhang, X. (2017). Development of a new knowledge-based fabric recommendation system by integrating the collaborative design process and multi-criteria decision support. Textile Research Journal, 0040517517729383. (IF: 1.54 SCI大类3)

10. Hong, Y., Zeng, X., Bruniaux, P., Liu, K., Chen Y., Framework of Consumer Perceived Value On Fashion Products For Female College Students In France. Industria Textila. 2018, 69(6), 495-501. (IF: 0.438 SCI大类4)

11. Hong, Y.,Zeng X, Bruniaux P, Liu K, Chen Y. Collaborative 3D-To-2D Tight-Fitting Garment Pattern Design Process for Scoliotic People. FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe, 2017; 25, 5(125): 113-117. DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0010.4637 (IF: 0.577 SCI大类4)

12. Hong, Y., Bruniaux, P., Zhang J., Liu K., Dong M., Chen Y. Application of 3D-TO-2D garment design for atypical morphology: a design case for physically disabled people with scoliosis. Industria Textila, 2018, 69(1), 59-64. (IF: 0.438 SCI大类4)

13. Hong, Y., Chen, Y., Pan, ZJ., Chen, Y. A Conceptual Wearable Monitoring System for Physiological Indices and Clothing Microclimate Measurement. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 29(2), 226-237. (IF: 0.592 SCI大类4)

14. Yan Hong, Zhebin Xue, Chunyu Liu, Xiaoqun Dai*. Development of Mask Design Knowledge Base Based on Sensory Evaluation and Fuzzy Logic. Autex Research Journal. Doi: 10.2478/aut-2019-0069. (IF: 0.957 SCI大类4)

15. Yu Chen, Pascal Bruniaux, Yufa Sun, Yan Hong*. Modelization and identification of medical compression stocking: Part 2 – 3D interface pressure modelization. Textile Research Journal. DOI: 10.1177/0040517520913346. (IF: 1.54 SCI大类3)

16. Mulat Alubel Abtew, Annu Kumari, Babu Ambika, Yan Hong*.Statistical Analysis of Standard Allowed Minute on Sewing Efficiency in Apparel Industry. Autex Research Journal. DOI: 10.2478/aut-2019-0045. (IF: 0.957 SCI大类4)

17. Xue Ling, Yan Hong*, Zhijuan Pan*Development of a dress design knowledge base (DDKB) based on sensory evaluation and fuzzy logic. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology. (IF: 0.592 SCI大类4)


Hong, Y., Zeng, X., Bruniaux, P., Curteza, A., & Chen, Y. (2017, July). Movement Analysis and Ergonomic Garment Opening Design of Garment Block Patterns for Physically Disabled People with Scoliosis Using Fuzzy Logic. In International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (pp. 303-314). Springer, Cham. EI检索

Hong, Y., ZENG, X., & BRUNIAUX, P. (2016, July). KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION AND MODELING OF GARMENT PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT. In Uncertainty Modelling in Knowledge Engineering and Decision Making: Proceedings of the 12th International FLINS Conference (FLINS 2016) (Vol. 10, p. 438). World Scientific. EI检索


Hong, Y., Zeng, X., Bruniaux, P., & Chen, Y. (2018, May). Evaluation of Fashion Design Using Artificial Intelligence Tools. In Artificial Intelligence for Fashion Industry in the Big Data Era. Springer, Cham. (DOI10.1007/978-981-13-0080-6_12)






